Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Late Night Mango Madness - Mango Rustic Tart with Sour Cream Ice Cream

To continue with the jam packed food filled evening that followed our fun run ( still not having showered at this point, FYI) we decided to conquer our dessert dreams.  Stumbling through the interwebs, we came up with a winning combination to use both our heaps of mangoes, and our ability to make ice cream! Hurray Ice Cream Ball!

My heart was set on making a galette (rustic tart) to showcase the magnificence that is mango.  Along my foodblog travels I discovered an intriguing yet simple recipe for sour cream ice cream through The Family Kitchen.  Considering my history (as a child of course) for digging a spoon into the sour cream container, this recipe was a definite GO.  Through a combo of Cannelle et Vanille and the brain, the mango rustic tart was born. 

Adele set off to OWN our new found ice cream recipe.  And by OWN I clearly mean shake that ball like a stubborn baby for over a half hour!  

Filled with these ingredients:
• 2 cups full-fat sour cream, chilled
• 1 1/2 cup half & half
• 1/2 cup sugar or 1/3 cup honey
• 1 tsp. lemon juice
• 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla
• pinch salt

Just a note, we halved the recipe due to ball size. Ha. Haha. Ha. Dell is a pro at baby shaking and knew exactly when to stop, mix up its innards, and get right back at it.  The ice cream was perfection.

Meanwhile I took the Kitchenaid by storm and whipped together the crust recipe with aid from the lovely site above.

Short Dough:
• Just over 1 cup butter
• 1 1/8 cup powdered sugar
• 1 egg
• zest from one orange
• 3 1/3 cup flour
• 3/8 tsp baking powder (yes I was anal when converting from grams)
• 1/2 tsp salt

After creaming the first two ingredients in said magic machine, add the next two, mix, then last three, mixed. Then chill for a half hour (in da freezer) or more in da fridge, and roll that baby out.  I can roll a mean crust mind you, so I kept atter until the size was satisfactory. It was big.
Now came the real fillin

• three ripe mangoes, thinly sliced
• sprinkle of cane sugar
• beaten egg (for wash)

Decoratively arrange the sliced mangoes around the tart and sprinkle them with cane sugar before folding up the edges wherever you see fit.  Lightly glaze the whole tart with egg wash using a pastry brush and do a final sprinkling.  It should look roughly (and I mean roughly, It's a rustic little bugger after all) like my beautiful offspring below:

She grew even more gorgeous after being in a 400° oven for around a half hour.

Finally, talk about a power couple:

If you want your night to end sweet and satisfied, because it hasn't in a while, follow the above instructions, or find a new lover.
Catch ya later,


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